Gao Xiaowu's Words

grew up in a fairyland-like village in Fujian, where created the best of my childhood memory and slowly grew my emotional attachment to the nature. The delights of my childhood nurture my attitude toward art in the future. All my toys are made of natural material such as bamboo and wood, and handmade only by imagination. Almost every activity is related to environment at that time, including fruit picking in the mountain; teasing fish in the river; catching loach in the pond; frolicking in the field with bee and butterfly; falling asleep with the sound of frog.


As time goes on, moved from hometown to city, and began my city dream on account of art……

The life in the city truly opens my eyes, there is always something new every day, started to immerse myself in learning, trying to make myself stronger and bigger, my only fear is not able to keep up with the pace of the time.


During my time in Xiamen Academy of Arts and Design, Fuzhou University, my relationship with art had officially turned intimate. The time was always not enough, was so afraid of missing out. felt each study course is satisfying but also too short to fully express myself.


Because the university is located in Kulangsu, physical training had been my major after class activity. Jogging from day to night, I almost ran around the island every day and gradually became the best long distance runner in the university. The advantage has hold for years after graduated and strengthened my physical capability in my career of art.


did not choose any stable work as my job after I entered the workforce, believing in myself and relying on the “childish nature”, choose nothing but art as my only soul mate.


On the way of pursuing art, have seen the fickleness of the world and the inconstancy of human relationships while facing the reality. wish the works made can record every feeling and thought had at the moment, especialwhen was one of the Beijing drifters, I was positively choked with emotion by the passion of creating art, from exploring inner life, criticizing society and seeking the original status that life should be. Life accompanies art, accompanies self-knowledge of the world. Slowly but surely, painful yet joyful, I uphold and try to get along with it.


Perhaps the experiences of life, gradually, my pursuit of life and art has changed. am trying to find the perfect balance either between life, myself and society or between rationality and sensibility.


It is a blessing that I have an opportunity to be in touch with Buddhism, which clear up my view instantly and enlighten me suddenly. have to say, this is the biggest surprise in my life, and this is how life should be.


Having achieved a perfect peace of mind, my life and works were on the up-and-up, created my art collection “Discrepancy”. From then on, have opened up a new dimension in art thinking, the view of life has turned from humanism to omniparity, hence created collection Rebirth, hoping can find the beauty of original life through art.


I believe that all life forms are in a ceaselessly loop, the end for one’s life can also represent the start of a continuous circle. Imaging the process of a drop of water, the cycle never comes to the end with its existence, evaporation, solidification, melting, alighting, convergence, penetration and so on; it transforms and be in the present, no more, no less. This is the exactly the pattern that shared by butterflies, dragonflies, fish, birds, animals and the whole mankind. Trying to feel the tenderness moment that universe brings to us. Thereupon it encourages us to cherish and seize the surroundings creatures we live with, brewing the kindness in our heart.


The world we live in is so lovely that is full of hope.

As we living, we have become certain of what should or should not be done.


We try to change the world with all our might, and we are influencing the world all the time.


Things change; we seem so tiny but mighty.

Things change; we need to introspect ourselves.

We are strong, but in the meantime we are weak; we need to awaken.


We are seeking for the beauty in life; experiencing the life in beauty; creating and express out from the contemplation.